The league will form a sport cohort per Alberta Government recommendations.
Maximum sport cohort size is 50, and athletes may only be members of one sport cohort. A 14 day wait between sports is required if joining from another cohort. This includes other sports within Medicine Hat, as well as other Roller Derby leagues from outside of Medicine Hat.
We will screen all participants at each practice. Athletes with symptoms of possible Covid-19 may not participate and testing will be recommended. Athlete attendance and contact information will be recorded and retained for contact tracing purposes.
Athletes must wash or sanitize hands upon entry or exit of the facility.
Athletes are requested to maintain physical distance when not involved in drills and to avoid touching your own or others’ faces during drills. Hands should be washed or sanitized prior to touching faces, including removal of mouth guards.
Athletes are recommended to clean their equipment after each use using an unscented disinfectant spray suitable for sensitive skin.
Face masks are suggested, but not required. We recommend seeking a good quality athletic mask with no vents.
Parents of level 3 juniors are not allowed in the venue during practice and must maintain physical distance when dropping their child off. Phone numbers for parents will be held on site in case of emergency.
Only one parent per family for level 1 and / or 2 juniors are allowed in the venue during practices and must maintain physical distance throughout. Parents are encouraged to remain outside or in vehicles whenever possible. Phone numbers for parents will be held on site in case of emergency.